Posts in #JonathanChangeTheWorld
Preventing Suicide: A Reason to Live

I want to encourage everyone who is reading this right now to make a commitment to not even think about suicide. Whenever the thought pops into your mind, immediately stop that thought and do something different. Get up, go outside, take a walk, call someone. Find something—anything—you can do to remove yourself from your current, depressive environment. Do everything it takes to get rid of the negative energy around you, which is bringing those suicidal thoughts into your mind.

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Jonathan: "Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd”

Many times, during Jonathan’s teenage and adult life, I didn’t know where he was living or if he were alive or dead. All I could do was keep fervently praying for him morning and night. I’ve always loved the scriptures, which reminded me of how much my Heavenly Father cared about my son. I knew the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, would not abandon Jonathan.

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