My childhood dream was to marry a wonderful man and have a big family. My dream came true!

I was a “stay-at-home” mom for forty-two years as my husband, David, and I raised our eleven children while moving around the United States for David’s business. Creative writing was my hobby, which was something I could keep doing no matter where I lived.

Although the overriding messages of many of my books, songs, and self-help programs are serious because of the great sorrow that alcohol and drug addictions have brought into our family, I am still a happy person. My happiness comes through my perfect faith and hope in Jesus Christ.

I was nick-named “Mama Fales” by one of my daughters-in-law, and the name seemed to stick. I love being a mother to my children and their spouses and a grandmother to my twenty-six beautiful grandchildren (so far)! I also love being called “Nana” by many non-related children I know!

As far as formal education goes, I have an Associate of Arts Degree in University Studies with an emphasis in Child Development and Family Relations from Brigham Young University. I also studied English at California State University Northridge for one year. Most of my real education has come from being a mother.

When my husband started the All Natural Wyoming Gourmet Beef company several years ago, he needed an “assistant.” I soon realized that all the talents I had developed while being at home raising my children were suddenly beneficial in the business world. I now have a business card with the title “Creative Director” on it, which makes me smile. I cheerfully support my husband in all his endeavors, and he supports me in mine!

I am the principal writer and executive producer of the music album Wings of Glory: Songs of Hope and Healing from Addiction and author of its companion book, Wings of Glory: The Story behind the Songs. I also wrote the book, ABC’s for a Happy Marriage: A Collection of Original Poetry and Biblical Scriptures.

Today, I live happily on a small ranch near beautiful Cody, Wyoming after returning to the roots of my husband – a man who has always been a Wyoming cowboy at heart! Thank you for coming to my website! My plan is to add new posts at the end of each month. If you have a specific subject on which you would like me to share my "motherly advice," please let me know!

— Kristine Litster Fales