Mama Fales

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13 Choices for Happiness and High Self-esteem

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Meet mama fales

Simple, motherly advice—
Because everybody needs a mother.


My mission... 

I've been writing down my thoughts and experiences for the last forty-five years with the goal to someday share it with others. Someday finally arrived—July 27, 2017.

My mission is to empower individuals, revitalize marriages, fortify families, and provide healing to those who suffer from addiction and mental illness through the mastery of choice. My hope is that your heart may be opened to understanding my words and learning from my experiences so your life & relationships will always move forward in peace and love.

 My website is a work in progress & I continually record ideas and impressions that come to me every day—which I plan to summarize and share—hopefully sometime each month!

If you submit your email below, I’ll let you know about my latest posts.

- Kristine Litster Fales

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