I Know The My Redeemer Lives


One of my favorite hymns is “I Know That My Redeemer Lives.” I listen to it almost every morning while I fix breakfast. The words and music help me to re-center my life on the Savior. No matter how I wake up feeling that morning, no matter how I might have slept the night before, no matter what is on my to-do list for the day, I feel a little bit more energized and a little bit happier when I listen to this hymn!

One of my favorite paintings of our Savior is by Del Parsons, which is shown above. He calls it, “Christ’s Love.” I call it, “Smiling Jesus.”  I believe that Jesus does smile as He radiates His genuine love, kindness,  and friendship towards each of us.

“I know that my Redeemer lives! What comfort this sweet sentence gives…”

When I opened my computer to start typing my post for April, I came upon a YouTube video of several influential women who were sharing their stories and testifying of Jesus Christ. This is a BYU Devotional highlights video compilation. It’s called, “Women of Wisdom” and is 3:53 minutes long. If you watch it, I’m sure you will be as inspired as I was.

Women of Wisdom

I hope that sometime soon you will stop for a few moments and seriously reflect on how Jesus Christ has touched you during your life. Do you have any childhood memories of when you felt a gentle peace and felt that He might be nearby? When you listen to other people whom you respect and admire share their testimonies of their knowledge of our Redeemer, do you yearn to know this same truth for yourself? Have you ever prayed that you could draw closer to the Savior each day, so you can continually feel strengthened and refreshed by Him? 

This is one of my favorite scriptural passages:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my 
yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart
and ye shall find 
rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is 
easy, and my burden is light.

— Matthew 11: 28-30

I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I’ve learned from my own experience that Christ can bring me spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional rest during each season of life.

One way I like to share my testimony is through music. The following song is from my Wings of Gory album, which I produced with my son, Ben, in 2002. You can listen to this song on Spotify and other music channels, or here on my website. I have printed the lyrics below.

You Have A Savior (The Way Back)

For so long now I’ve done it wrong. I have no hope of going on,
And the path I took has led me far away.
I wish I’d known how I would feel when I had lost everything that’s real
And the pain that I would have to face someday.
But there is no way back I know. It’s much too late to let it go,
For the fun is gone and now I have to pay.
I hurt so bad I wish I’d die. My life is gone but I can’t cry.
But still at times I can hear my father say:

You have a Savior. His name is Jesus the Christ.
You have a Savior, and He has paid the price.
You have a Savior, and through His sacrifice,
Though your sins be as scarlet,
Like the snow they shall be white.

I wish somehow I could believe that there was still some hope for me,
But I’ve hurt so many people through the years.
There was a time so long ago when life was simple, sweet, and slow,
And I always thought that I could face my fears.
But that child is gone forever now. Life’s innocence has left somehow,
And my scar-filled heart now aches through unshed tears.
These sad regrets will always last, for I know I cannot change the past.
Yet my father’s words still echo in my ears:

You have a Savior. His name is Jesus the Christ.
You have a Savior, and He has paid the price.
You have a Savior, and through His sacrifice,
Though your sins be as scarlet,
Like the snow they shall be white.

I cannot help but question why the Christ would want to bleed and die
To pay my debt from sin and foolish pride.
I will not ever understand this love He holds out with His hands
As He lifts me like a brother to His side.
I’ve trampled Him beneath my feet as I’ve lived my life out on the street.
How can He yet forgive the things I’ve tried?
But something whispers to my soul, His Atonement now can make me whole
For His gift to me was given when He died.

I have a Savior. His name is Jesus the Christ.
I have a Savior, and He has paid the price.
I have a Savior, and through His sacrifice,
Though my sins be as scarlet,
Like the snow they shall be white.

— Kristine Litster Fales