Jonathan’s Advice


The following statements are excerpts from a personal letter given to me by my son, Jonathan, to share with our family several years ago. I felt it would be appropriate, and beneficial, to print some of Jonathan’s thoughts for others to read as well. Jonathan cared deeply about his family, was extremely intuitive, and loved philosophy and spirituality with equal passion. He often told me about his meditations, dreams, and visions as he sought answers to life’s greatest questions. Jonathan’s advice is both simple and profound.


Many of you have misunderstandings between each other. I see it in your marriages, in your relationships with your children, and with each other. Misunderstandings and hurt feelings come from Satan. He blocks the Spirit of the Holy Ghost, which enlightens our minds, and very subtly leads your conscious thoughts to form barriers that build walls of discord and hamper the sweet family relationships that should exist in each of your individual families.

Anti-Satan Ammunition

This need not be, and you can do something about it. Some of you heard me talk about my love for the Scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. Do not take lightly these sacred words. Fill your heart and your mind on a daily basis with the inspired teachings of those who lived before. These people are real. Their words are powerful and filled with anti-Satan ammunition that will protect you in your times of need. Drink freely from this source of light. This revealed light is what will clear up the miscommunication and misunderstandings that do now exist in your families. This need not be the way you live on earth. You carry heavy burdens that are difficult to bear and weigh you down.

Drop your Burdens

Drop your burdens at the feet of the Savior. He is real, too! He loves you more than you will ever be able to comprehend while you live on the earth. Christ’s love is magnificent. It heals, it lifts, it empowers. The real purpose of life is to learn to love as Christ loves. He will teach you and tutor you until you get it, but He can’t get into your life until you get into the Scriptures—seriously. When you “feast,” not “nibble,” your hearts will be healed, and your minds will be transformed until you become that “new creature in Christ” that is promised. When you are filled with the Light of Christ, and with the added powerful light of the Holy Ghost, misunderstandings, miscommunication, and all the hurt, lonely feelings that go along with it will disappear.

No Perfect Marriage Partner

There is no perfect marriage partner. Give each other a break! You’re all doing okay. Just keep repenting, apologizing, and picking up the pieces that fall by the wayside when you hurt each other’s feelings. Give the broken pieces to the Savior, and He will put them—and you—back together again. That is His divine calling. That is what the Atonement is all about. Let Christ be the One you turn to with your grief, pain, and sorrow. 

Sin Hurts Other People

Through Christ, I know my sins have been forgiven because I have truly repented of all the things I did that hurt so many people. That is the problem with sin. Sin hurts other people. It hurts your own soul, of course, but the greater damage is crushing the souls of others—especially those who you should be loving the most.

Take the Gospel Seriously

My greatest regret is walking away from the Church. The Church did not walk away from me. I left it. It was my choice. It was wrong, and I was foolish and critical, and it caused a huge detour in my life. Take the gospel seriously. Don’t minimize it in your life. If anything, maximize it! The gospel of Jesus Christ is everything. Make it the center of your life, and your life will find its true center. You will find peace. You will find comfort. You will find clarity of thought. You will find true joy.

In This Together

I love you all--each of you individually and collectively. We are a great family. Rely on each other’s strengths and bolster each other’s weaknesses. We are all in this together, and we are bonded as a family for a reason. Find that reason each day and stay connected.

Your son and brother in Christ,
