Posts in Defeating Depression
Suicide Prevention

September 10th is National Suicide Prevention Day. I hope as Fall marches quickly into our busy lives, we will pause sometime this month and think about those whom we know who were so depressed that they took their own lives. Please reach out to the loved ones of these individuals on these sad anniversaries—it is always nice to know that others care and remember our loss. “Strength comes in numbers” is an old saying, but it still applies today in both joy and pain.

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Reason to Live – Suicide Prevention

You must believe in yourself. You must believe that your life really matters, and the universe really does need you. It needs your personality. It needs your talents—the ones you have now—and the ones you don’t even know about yet that you will develop throughout your lifetime—much to your surprise! Right now, you have no idea what great gifts are hibernating within you or what amazing experiences are awaiting you up ahead. You must believe in yourself!

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Living Life: “Unto One of the Least of These”

I have always tried to carry one-dollar bills in my purse or pocket to give to those in need. I know not everyone agrees with my attitude of giving to the poor, but I feel in my heart it’s the right thing for me to do. My son Jonathan was homeless at different times in his life, and I know he stayed alive from the handouts of other people. Whenever I give to someone in need, I think of Jonathan.

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Preventing Suicide: A Reason to Live

I want to encourage everyone who is reading this right now to make a commitment to not even think about suicide. Whenever the thought pops into your mind, immediately stop that thought and do something different. Get up, go outside, take a walk, call someone. Find something—anything—you can do to remove yourself from your current, depressive environment. Do everything it takes to get rid of the negative energy around you, which is bringing those suicidal thoughts into your mind.

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Women of Conviction—Adapting to Change

When I first read about Covid-19 in other parts of the world, it was hard to imagine it coming to the United States and doing the same type of severe health damage and imminent death that was going on elsewhere. When I became aware that it had arrived here, I started reading the daily updates in America and in other parts of the world. I was shocked at how quickly everything shut down as “quarantine, social distancing, face masks, and hand sanitizer” became part of our daily vocabulary.

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