Living Life: Love Your Kitchen—Love Your Health!


At one time when I had several children still living at home, we moved to a home in Boise, Idaho near a little bakery called “Wonder Bread-Hostess Cakes” that sold nearly out-of-date bread and snacks. The store was quick, convenient, and cheap. I had been there several times to buy “junk food” treats to put in my kids sack lunches for school when I happened to look up at a very large, old-fashioned sign. It had a picture of a smiling woman from the 1920’s and a large loaf of white bread with these words written across the top: “WONDER BREAD—THE LOAF THAT FREED WOMAN FROM THE KITCHEN.”

I immediately stopped and, for some reason, I felt deeply offended. I silently pondered for a few moments as I asked myself this question, “Why would I want to be freed from my kitchen?”

I returned the cheap bakery items I already had in my basket to the shelves where they belonged and walked out of the store. I didn’t go back. I decided to start baking my own treats for my kids’ lunches once again.

“Happy Place”

I went home and looked around my kitchen and decided to start learning to love being there much more. Instead of thinking about my kitchen as a place of drudgery where I had to do chores, I started thinking about my kitchen as a place to create happy memories and teach my children to enjoy making and eating nutritious food. I started putting on music when it was time to clean the kitchen to make that part of my work at home a more pleasant experience. 

I wanted my kitchen to be a place where I could express my “artistic creativity” and create an atmosphere where my children and their friends would love to come. I wanted my kitchen to be a safe haven where my husband and I could talk and laugh and enjoy being with our family as we continued to celebrate special occasions throughout the year. I knew I never wanted to be “freed” from my kitchen. I wanted my kitchen to be my “happy place.”

Nutrition Books

As far as learning to eat healthy and create nutritious, delicious meals for myself and my family, I have read many books over the years. Two new books I recently read are:

  • Health at Every Size by Linda Bacon

  • Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch   

These two books teach how to appreciate your body no matter what size you are and learn to enjoy the taste of real food. Their main message is, “Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you’re full.”

I have three other nutrition books that make up the foundation of my menu planning and food choices, which have helped me feel much healthier and more energetic the last few years:

  • Eat to Live by Joel Fuhriman

  • 14 Super Foods to Change Your Life by Dr. Steven Pratt

  • The Bread for Life Diet by Olga Raz and Amir Kessner

After reading Eat to Live, I started eating more leafy greens every day. When I learned that kale has the most nutrients in the leafy green family, I created a “green drink” that I drink every day. Even my husband and children enjoy drinking it, too! Here are my recipes—one if you have large blender and one if you have a small blender.

Green Drink Recipe (large blender)



  1. In a large blender, grind kale and water together for a few seconds.

  2. Cut up fruit into chunks and add to kale.

  3. Add protein powder and blend till smooth, about 45 seconds.

This will make 10 cups. I then pour it into 5 one-pint jars with lids and keep it in the refrigerator to drink throughout the week.

 *Kale can be kept in a bag in the freezer until ready to be used.

Green Drink Recipe (Small blender)



  1. In a small blender, grind kale and water together for a few seconds.

  2. Cut up fruit into chunks and add to kale.

  3. Add protein powder and blend till smooth, about 45 seconds.

This will make 10 cups. I then pour it into 4 one-pint jars with lids and keep it in the refrigerator to drink throughout the week.

 *Kale can be kept in a bag in the freezer until ready to be used.

I hope we will all learn to “Love Your Kitchen—Love Your Health” as we take control of our menu planning and food choices, which will help determine our feelings of well-being and our positive outlook on life!